The Lafayette Escadrille Memorial Foundation, established in 1930 by William Nelson Cromwell, as "Fondateur", has for its purposes:

a) to assure the retention and permanent upkeep of the monument erected by the Association du Memorial de 1'Escadrille Lafayette in the park of Marnes-La-Coquette on the land granted by the French Government to the said Association, for the purpose of keeping alive in the hearts of men the spirit which inspired the members of the Escadrille Lafayette and the Flying Corps, all Americans, all volunteers for the universal cause of Liberty under the flag of France before their Country's entrance into the Great War,

b) to provide for suitable and appropriate religious observances in this place,

William Nelson Cromwell
c) to educate the youth of France, of America and other nations in the history of their respective countries and of each other's country, by mean of public addresses, publications and otherwise.

The Memorial may be reached by train from the Gare St-Lazare to the station of Garches - Marnes-la-Coquette (twenty minutes from Paris). A walk of 500 yards brings the visitor to the entrance of the Parc de Villeneuve-l'Etang, just beyond the institut Pasteur. By automobile, the route lies across the Seine, by the St-Cloud bridge and then direct to Garches and the Memorial. Most visitors prefer to use the motorway A 13, turning off at the first exit after the tunnel. The Park is open every day morning and afternoon.

Since the Foundation no longer had the financial means to maintain the monument and its park, an agreement was reached by the American and French authorities who entrusted this mission to  the ABMC, American Battle Monument Commission.



© Photos: J.C. Lemaire